​​​​​​​Fundamental Rules ("The DHS WAY")


These rules reflect "The DHS WAY" - Respect, Responsibility and Resilience that we follow at Dannevirke High School. 

1. Students are under the authority of Dannevirke High School while:

i. Present at Dannevirke High School during an official school day.

ii. Representing Dannevirke High School at any time, or on any official trip or function, whether it be sport, cultural pursuit or any other activity, and whether or not a parent or caregivers is also present

iii. On the way to or from Dannevirke High School during an official school day or for any other purpose referred to in (ii) above. 

2. Prohibition on Drugs:

Dannevirke High School is a drug-free zone to ensure the health and safety of all members of the school community. Students may not use or have alcohol or drugs while under the authority of Dannevirke High School. Prescription drugs will be handed in at the School Office for safekeeping during the school day. Dannevirke High School is a smoke-free / vape-free zone. 

3. Whanau:

Dannevirke High School operates within the philosophy of PB4L, based on a set of behavioural expectations which are taught and reinforced within the curriculum. The fundamental values within this are:

- Respect for self, others, learning and environment

- Responsibility for self and other

- Resilience in all times of adversity

4. Uniform and Personal Appearance:

It is important that students take pride in their personal appearance and to that end must comply with the uniform requirements stated in the Prospectus. Students are required to be neat and tidy and clean at all times. 

4.1 Jewellery Students may wear a wristwatch, one necklace, one piece of plain wrist jewellery, a plain ring and one pair of plain earrings. Keepers for pierced ears must be plain or small sleepers. No other visible piercings are appropriate for school. Other visible piercings need to be covered or replaced with a clear bar while in School uniform or under the jurisdiction of the School. No stretchers are allowed. 

4.2 Grooming: Students are to be well-groomed, tidy and clean. The full School uniform is to be worn whilst identified as a Dannevirke High School student. 

4.3 Students - natural looking make-up is permitted.

4.4 Students are to be clean-shaven.

4.5 Hair should be clean and tidy. It should be a single natural colour. Hair must be tied up if it is touching the shoulders.  This applies to all genders.  Some curriculum areas may have expectations about tying up or covering of hair as a result of health and safety regulations. If hair accessories are worn they must be plain black, blue or plain white. 

5. School Property / Environment:

5.1 Students will respect school property. It will not be damaged in any way. 

5.2 Damage should be reported to a staff member as soon as possible. 

5.3 Respect our environment and put litter in the bins around the School. 

5.4 Recreational games will be played in designated areas. 

5.5 Students are expected to pay for damage to School property caused by carelessness or by deliberate action. 

6. Personal Property:

6.1 Students are expected to take responsibility for their own personal property. Personal property and clothing should be named for easy identification. 

6.2 Students are not to use electronic devices at School during interval and lunchtime. 

6.3 Lost or stolen property should be reported to the School Office as soon as possible after the loss is noticed. 

7. Behaviour:

7.1 Students are expected to behave in a respectful and courteous manner towards all members of the school community at all times. 

7.2 Students are not allowed to eat food in teaching and learning spaces unless given teacher permission. 

8. Attendance:

8.1 By law, students must attend school on each official School day. To benefit most from their time at school, they should be punctual for all classes, including Whanau Group.

8.2 By law, parents and caregivers need to explain each absence for their child by note or phone call as soon as possible. 

8.3 A Leave Card for medical and dental appointments will be issued by the School Office. Students will need to bring a note from their parents/caregivers or the medical appointment card. 

8.4 The Ministry of Education provides a list of justifiable reasons for absence from school that the School is required to adhere to. 

8.5 Students are required to remain on the School grounds throughout the School day unless they have a Leave Card. This is for safety reasons. 

8.6 A Lunch Pass can be obtained from the School Office after the Parents/Caregivers have signed a permission slip. This pass allows the student to go to a specific address only for lunch. 

8.7 Year 13 students must sign out when they leave the school grounds during the day. 

9. Motor Vehicles:

9.1 Year 12 and 13 students may bring a car or motorbike to School once the designated Senior Leadership Team member has given approval. The designated Senior Leadership Team member will give approval if he/she is satisfied the student has a valid reason for bringing a vehicle and holds an appropriate licence. 

9.2 Approval is given to the named student only. Passengers (unless approved by the designated Senior Leadership Team member and parents/caregivers) may not be carried. Pillion-riding on motorbikes is not permitted. 

9.3 Offences against traffic regulations may result in the removal of the right to bring the vehicle to school. The Police regularly patrol the streets around the School. 

10. Bus Students:

10.1 Normal School expectations apply to students travelling by bus to and from school or during the School day. 

10.2 Before and after School buses are provided for the sole purpose of transporting students to and from school. Students will not get off at any other destination. 

11. Illness or Accident:

Ill or injured students must report to the School Office before going home. This is a safety requirement as it allows the School to contact parents/caregivers before the student leaves the school grounds. 

12. Messages/Visitors:

12.1 Students can use the phone at the School Office with the permission of a staff member. 

12.2 Visitors to the school must report to the School Office. Visitors are not permitted to visit classrooms unless approved by the Principal. 


13. Out of Bounds:

The following areas can be used with the permission of a staff member and they need to be accompanied by a teacher. 

- The Lindsay Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Britland Field and Henderson Field.